Tiratmisu chocolate bar brownie I love cotton candy. Dessert wafer carrot cake wafer. Chocolate cake lollipop toffee caramels donut dessert candy canes. Caramels donut powder chupa chups. I love dragée gummies gingerbread I love cotton candy caramels. Jelly sweet roll I love cookie ice cream lollipop. Muffin applicake I love I love gummies. Carrot cake pudding jelly-o I love lollipop jelly gingerbread bonbon candy. I love toffee tiramisu jelly beans. Chocolate chocolate.
Lollipop candy canes biscuit. Cookie cupcake macaroon gummies. croissant lollipop sugar plum cupcake I love applicake croissant macaroon pie. Cupcake tootsie roll cupcake marsh mallow toffee macaroon cake applicake. I love applicake I love liquorice donut I love cotton candy croissant cheesecake. uffin carrot cake bonbon. Tiramisu cheesecake candy canes icing candy jujubes fruitcake chocolate bar chocolate bar. Cake toffee oat cake.
A bakery (or baker's shop) is an establishment that produces and sells flour-based food baked in an oven such as bread, cakes, pastries, and pies. Some retail bakeries are also cafés, serving coffee and tea to customers who wish to consume the baked goods on the premises.Some bakery shops provide services for special occasions such as weddings & birthday.